Okay, as some of you may have noticed I have been referring to our future baby as "pleaboo." This is pronounced plea - boo, just like it's spelled. And there is definitely a story behind it.
Corey has a knack for making up words. I don't know when this started or how, but I have come to just accept these words as completely normal and forget that, in fact, they are not. For instance, sometimes instead of please, Corey says "plox." and in turn I have now adopted that as well. It's one of my favorite things (albeit very quirky things) about my husband and so naturally, Corey has made up words for what to call me and what to call our dogs, which is where the name pleaboo comes from.
Corey has taken to calling me a pleb. Which is an actual real term, short for a plebeian, meaning commoner. No, he does not think I'm a commoner, but yes, he likes to believe he's king of the castle sometimes. He then decided that the dogs also had to have a name, but since they're not human and they're so small, he couldn't call them plebs. So somehow the term weabooo (pronounced we-boo) was born. This is the dog version of pleb, according to Corey. Now, when discussing our future child, we were talking about what we call it before we actually have the child. You know, people always call their babies something when they're in the womb (nugget, bean, frog, etc.), but we obviously couldn't be normal. I figured the baby should fit in with the rest of us plebs and weaboos and so Corey started brain storming a name for the baby. This is how pleaboo was created. The baby couldn't be pleb because that's for grown humans and weaboos are dogs, BUT pleaboo was the perfect combo for a small, tiny, child.
So, if you've stuck with the story this long, then congratulations, you made it through what Corey deems my long-winded, inability, to just tell a story without the extra million details. (I sometimes embellish stories extra now because of this :) but you are now the wiser as to the origins of pleaboo and hopefully you won't think we're so weird anymore. Or, you think we're way weirder now. In any case, you can now share this with anyone else that makes the same, weird face you did when you heard the word pleaboo.
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