Friday, December 18, 2015

The questions we know you have

Corey and I are so overwhelmed by the love and support we have gotten from all of our friends and family!  You guys have outdone yourselves with the sweet messages, kind words, and blessings.  We are even more excited to partake in this adventure with all of you behind us, supporting us.

We know that many of you have a lot of questions for us about who, what, when, where, why, and we are going to try to answer as many questions as we can think of.  If you have any other questions feel free to ask.  I will answer any that I can.  I will ask that you try to keep all adoption language positive and if you're unsure what I mean this website has a good reference point for you to use:

What kind of adoption are you doing?
Corey and I have chosen to do domestic infant adoption for this adoption.  This means that a birth mom will "match" with Corey and I while she is still pregnant or right after giving birth.  In other words we will be matched with a newborn.

Where are you adopting from?
We will be adopting from within the United States.  Our hope is to sign with a consulting firm in June.  This means that we could match with a birth mother anywhere (well almost anywhere) in the United States.  By signing with a firm we are given more opportunities to match with birth moms instead of being constrained to the specific area that an agency works with.

What does a consulting firm do?
A consulting firm provides you with someone to walk you through the adoption process as you go.  They help us organize our paperwork, our profile book, organize the home study, etc.  They provide us with the insight that we need since we've never been through this before.

How long will this process take?
This is an unknown.  Corey and I cannot be considered "active" until September 2016.  This is for a few reasons.  1) We want/need to save up a significant chunk of the cost for the adoption before we  are considered active 2) Corey will be leaving in March for a 6 month training in AZ.  When that ends in September we will be stationed somewhere besides Ft. Benning, GA.  Because adoption paperwork (like the home study) does not transfer state to state we cannot officially submit any of this paperwork until we are at our new duty station.  This first few months will mostly be us fundraising and raising the money we need to bring home the precious babe.  Once we know where Corey will be stationed in September we can get A LOT more done.  3) Once we are active it's just a waiting game. We could be matched with a birth mother instantly or it could take a few months.  God knows who our little babe is and the timing will be in his hands.

I know people have more questions and if I can answer any of them I will happily do so.  I will be doing a blog post in a few days regarding our infertility because I know some of you are curious.

Again, thank you all for being part of this with us and supporting us in this adventure!

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