Thursday, January 5, 2017

Adoption Update

I know some people have been wondering where we're at with the adoption after having our little nugget in September.  So here is a quick update for y'all:

  • We have found two agencies in CA that we are looking at going through and we just need to talk with them about our situation (i.e. army, living in the middle of nowhere, having one child, etc.) and see which will be the best fit for us. 
  • Once we have chosen an agency we will discuss with them the best time for us to officially start. Corey is currently at training for two months in AL and his unit is scheduled to deploy later this year.  
  • This means that we could either be acting really fast to be active in March or waiting until Corey returns from deployment.  We're just trying to time it as right as possible for our family.  

Unfortunately, that's the extent of what I have as an update.  We still have our adoption account set-up and we have not touched a penny of what was donated to us.  Hopefully soon we will have more answers for everybody and a much better idea of our timeline for all of this.  

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