Sunday, April 24, 2016

We're still here

I know, it's been a while since I updated.  It's gotten a bit crazy around here.

Let's start with the biggest news: we are pregnant!  Can you say SHOCKED?! Because I don't think we believe it still..... It just seems so unfathomable after being told us conceiving on our own wouldn't happen.

BUT, we are 100% still adopting.  Our timeline has been pushed back a bit.  Originally we had planned on being done with all paperwork and officially "active" by October.  However, the due date for this little womb nugget is October 2nd so we are giving ourselves a few months adjustment to a newborn, while working on adoption paperwork, and we hope to be considered "active" by January 2017.  It is a little further off than originally anticipated, but this will just give us more time to fundraise and prepare ourselves for our pleaboo.

We also had to put off the adoption paperwork until we have official orders for Corey's next duty station.  Right now, it looks like Ft. Irwin, CA will be our new home, but we cannot officially say that until he has his orders.  That may not happen for a few more months.  And because adoption paperwork does not transfer state to state, we cannot do it until we have an exact destination.

With all of that being said we are just slowly getting ourselves ready for not one, but two little nuggets within the next year.  We still cannot believe the twists and turns this journey has thrown at us thus far, but we are so excited by it all.

We thank you all for the prayers and support and the immense love you've shown us.  We're incredibly blessed.  Now, hopefully, I will get enough energy to write a blog post with the awesome details about our adoption party that was thrown for us in Arizona.  It was awesome and I can't wait to share it with y'all.

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