Monday, January 18, 2016

We get by with a little help from our friends

I am beyond speechless by the overwhelming love Corey and I have received for our adoption. Over our New year's break, Corey and I were so lucky to have our amazing friend, Ryan, film a short adoption video for us.  We were so excited to have such an amazing person helping us create this video. Ryan helped us create this adoption video, to give people a glimpse into who we are and to help us tell our story. 

We are so excited about this journey through adoption, but we know we will need a lot of help from our friends and family to be placed with our baby. We are so humbled by all efforts people have gone through to help us thus far and we are praying that you will continue to help us and share this video. 

Our Youcaring page is live and we hope that you will help us share this like wildfire. Asking for help is never easy, but we are so close to finally having our little family that we have put our pride aside to humbly ask for yours. 

Let's bring our little pleaboo home!

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