Sunday, February 7, 2016

Just a quick update

I know it's been a while, but we just wanted to give y'all a quick update!

If you ordered one of our adoption t-shirts you should have gotten it in the mail by now.  If you still haven't received it by Friday February 12, let me know.

We will be doing another t-shirt sale at the end of this month.  These shirts will look a bit different from the first ones because they're a bit more personal to Corey and I.  I will make sure to let you know as soon as we start that sale!

Our Youcaring page has seen some love and we cannot believe how kind y'all have been to us.  We are so ridiculously grateful and I will tell you every time I see someone has donated to us I definitely tear up.  I'm a sap.

That's about as much of an update there is right now, but if anything else happens I'll be sure to post!

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